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Azure Consulting Services

Does your business need fresh solutions to optimize operations in the cloud? Get comprehensive Azure consulting from certified experts at DB Serv to achieve your goals.

Our Advantages

Experience and Licenses
We have all the necessary licenses to work with Microsoft products and are a certified partner of the company. That’s why we provide you with expert advice backed by information from official sources. Our team consists of specialists with years of experience working with various components of the Azure cloud platform and other technologies released by Microsoft.
Comprehensive Services
Our team covers your business needs both in terms of consulting services and in the support and control of applications and servers in the Azure cloud environment. You receive comprehensive answers, detailed recommendations, and practical advice to help implement, configure, and enhance your IT infrastructure.
Personalized Approach
We practice an individual approach to each client to best satisfy your requests and provide consultations tailored to your company’s niche and direction. We understand that every business is unique and has specific characteristics, so you only get personalized Azure consulting services from DB Serv.
Time and Budget Savings
You don’t need to spend valuable resources on setting up workstations or searching for and hiring specialists to work with Azure. By collaborating with us, you gain instant access to certified remote experts who are ready to start tasks immediately and quickly provide you with all the necessary information.

What We Offer

Our Azure consultancy allows you to get detailed answers to any questions regarding working with the cloud platform.

If you want to move your infrastructure to the cloud, we’re ready to provide you with Microsoft Azure cloud consulting services that address challenges in creating a high-performance and cost-effective cloud environment. We’ll also assist in developing an optimal migration strategy to minimize downtime risk, ensure a swift data transfer process, and reduce your employees’ workload.
When you need to design cloud architecture and CI/CD pipelines, we offer assistance in designing and selecting functional features of SaaS and PaaS in Azure. Additionally, our consultants will evaluate development costs and propose ways to streamline them.
To ensure high performance and resilience of your cloud environment under heavy workloads, we provide Microsoft Azure consulting services. Our experts also assess the current state of your infrastructure and identify the best options for optimization.

Why Choose Our Azure Consulting Services

We guarantee our clients a reliable and straightforward path to implementing cloud innovations into their company’s operations. With us, you’ll receive:
✅ Enhanced security levels. Our consultants will help you configure identification processes and access through Azure Active Directory and establish system access levels for employees.
✅ Migration cost savings. We’ll identify optimal routes to migrate your servers and applications to the cloud, considering all the intricacies of your company’s operations.
✅ Reduced development costs. As part of Microsoft Azure consultancy, we’ll calculate the cost and time for designing CI/CD pipelines and suggest ways to minimize development efforts.
✅ Cloud cost savings. The consulting services will include analyzing your cloud-related expenses and searching for options to reduce them.
✅ Improved performance. We’ll recommend automation tools to help scale your infrastructure and test resilience, ensuring the stability of your servers and applications.

24/7 Production Support

Our team of specialists provides assistance around the clock, including weekends and holidays. You’ll have confidence in the stable operation of your cloud tools and servers as we:
➡️ Promptly resolve issues and malfunctions in your infrastructure.
➡️ Regularly monitor system resilience.
Offer Azure consulting services when problems arise.
➡️ Ensure data security throughout your collaboration with DB Serv.
➡️ Assist in restoring and enhancing infrastructure functionality in Azure.

Professional Support Team

Our Azure consulting services can be expanded to include professional support from certified experts. By taking advantage of this opportunity, you’ll ensure the following for your cloud IT infrastructure:
➡️ High levels of resilience, performance, and security.
➡️ Planned tests to verify the functionality of infrastructure components.
➡️ Regular scanning to detect network intrusions.
➡️ Consultations for resolving minor glitches and prompt resolution of system errors.
➡️ Reduction in hiring costs for an in-house IT department through Microsoft Azure consultant.

Follow These 4 Simple Steps to Receive Expert Microsoft Azure Consulting Services


Stage 1

Project Immersion. In the initial stage, we’ll familiarize ourselves with your questions, needs, and ideas. We’ll provide an initial consultation and a preliminary estimate of the scope of work and service costs.

Stage 2

Contract and NDA Signing. We’ll create a contract outlining clear deadlines, volumes, and work costs, and if necessary, we’ll include additional services.

Stage 3

Requirements Gathering and Information Collection. We’ll formulate your key requests and become acquainted with your business goals and existing infrastructure. We’ll gather information tailored to your business’s specifics to provide comprehensive answers and effective recommendations.

Stage 4

Provision of Consultation and Other Agreed-Upon Services. We’ll advise you on all matters and, when needed, offer support services and assistance in resolving technical issues related to working with the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Feedback From Our Clients

Learn more about our SQL server consulting services by reviewing client testimonials.
Jane Guan

Director of Operations – Samvo – midsized betting agency 

“Before DB Serv, our budget for the database team was large, but we still did not have enough for our database estate maintenance. DB Serv showed us how cost can be reduced while still maintaining a good quality of service.”
Magnus Kelly

CIO BT onephone (bought by BT)

“DB Serv is a reliable and expert level DBAs”
David Cooper

QMUL (Queen Mary Univercity of London) IT manager

“Vitaly from DB Serv provides the best service for the DBA support and management”


How does it work?

DB Serv provides Azure cloud consulting services in partnership with Microsoft Corporation. To receive recommendations and comprehensive answers to questions about working with the cloud platform, fill out an application on our website or contact a consultant via phone. We’ll discuss all the details of your request and offer you optimal solutions.

Why do I need Azure Consulting Services?

Consulting services for using Azure are essential for productive platform operation, swift and seamless migration, and cost and time savings in cloud technology implementation. Additionally, consultations will help you select suitable applications necessary to enhance your IT infrastructure’s performance, resilience, and security.

How do I engage your Azure Consulting Services?

You can call us or email us the questions that interest you. Our Microsoft Azure consultant will get in touch with you to clarify details and provide an initial consultation. Then, we’ll offer you a suitable collaboration option and conclude a contract for the necessary services.

Optimize the performance of your IT infrastructure and get round-the-clock Azure support from certified DB Serv consultants

Contact us for a comprehensive consultation on working with the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.